Documentation for Prowriters


You can simultaneously use both the Direct Ordering and Bidding policies within the application or deactivate either, depending on your specific requirements.

Direct Ordering

Under this policy the admin assigns the order to a writer as a task

1. Admin sets up services and prices
2. Writers register.
3. Customers place orders
4. Admin receives & assigns orders to writers or lets them choose tasks.
5. Writers finish & submit work.
6. An editor checks & sends work to customers or writers for edits. (admin has the option to configure to skip this step)
7. Customers accept or request revisions; accepted works close automatically.
8. Writers request payment for completed work.
9. Admin reviews payment requests.
10. Admin tracks income via reports.

Bidding System

Under this policy customers request bids from writers and select the most suitable candidate.

1. Admin sets services.
2. Writers register.
3. Customers place request for bids with their requirements
4. Writers submit their bids
5. Customers choose a suitable writer, and proceed to payment
6. Writers finish, submit work.
7. Customers accept or request revisions.
8. Accepted works close automatically.
9. Writers request payment.
10. Admin reviews payments.
11. Admin tracks income via reports.